
Cam­parc is a panoramic cam­era ball play­ground. It con­sists of a num­ber of man-size balls which trans­mit live 360-degrees video to a large urban screen.

Cam­parc invites peo­ple to explore their sur­round­ings using these unique cam­era toys through free play. Anamor­phic puz­zles are drawn on streets and walls in the sur­round­ing area to pro­vide play­ers with addi­tional chal­lenges. These draw­ings tie together the screen, balls and space in one delight­ful experience.

For this project I collaborated with Hubbub on a commission by STRP. I was responsible for both the hardware and the software of the installation. 4 balls were created for the project, consisting of off-the-shelf inflatable aquabubbles with custom-built half-gyroscopic 360 degree panoramic video cameras inside each ball. Inside each ball, 4 hoops hold a raspberrypi, camera, 360 degree lens and battery upright while people play with the ball.


Project kickoff


Unveiling at STRP event on urban games and gamefication of public spaces


Premiere at Strijp-S open day


Mark II with 4G and Oculus at STRP biennial